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Modernising freemasonry

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 8:37 pm
by EJB
Hello Brethren, myself and one or two others are looking for ideas of how to modernise freemasonry and make it more attractive to a more modern society, we live I a very rural part of the UK and feel somewhat left behind when we hear stories of lodges bursting at the seams of young enthusiastic Masons.
We are all very experienced Masons although still on the younger side, is there any fresh new initiatives that Brethren have tride in there lodges to make it different and existing or is there any modern/contemporary lodges that you would recommend visiting to find sone new ideas.
Thank you in advance Brethren.

Re: Modernising freemasonry

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2022 11:04 pm
by Peter Dowling
Hi EJB, you could contact your Provincial office or your membership officer for the Members Pathway booklet which is also available online. This has a plan of how to help you grow your Lodge.
The Provincial mentor/membership officer can point you in the right direction.

Re: Modernising freemasonry

PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 4:08 pm
by The Uninitiated
EJB wrote:we live I a very rural part of the UK and feel somewhat left behind when we hear stories of lodges bursting at the seams of young enthusiastic Masons.

Outside of the University Scheme lodges, and perhaps some of the special-interest lodges, I'm not sure how true such rumours are?

How do you modernise? Obviously ritual and procedure is defined by the Grown Ups, so are tricky to adapt.

But some things you can do:
  • Embrace social media...
  • think about your tyling time...
  • what about the festive board: do you really need a four course meal served at 8pm (as seems de rigueur around here)?
  • Think about how brethren (and their families) can socialise outside of the lodge-room
  • Are there any opportunities for the Lodge to "do good" as a group - eg regularly supporting a local charity
  • etc etc

Too often, our freemasonry is a once-a-month lodge meeting... possibly with a GPC/LoI thrown in.