In view of the number of posts on other masonic groups pages that always come down to the Questionable truth that Women can actually be considered as True Freemasons. I thought this link might be an interesting read in order to understand why Women were not included from the onset in the formation of this beautiful craft that promotes equality as one of its positive images.
We have to understand that in 1717 when the rise and development of organised speculative Masonry took place (i.e by a group of men sat in the 'Goose and Gridiron' in London) Women were very much down trodden, controlled and passive members of society and not by their own choosing. The link is a timeline that shows the development and progress of Women's rights across the world from 1707 and if we plot on that timeline the beginnings and progress of Women's Freemasonry it is easy to see how the worlds views on women in society have change and progressed (although I know that in some countries this oppression still exists) and there for enabling the progress of women into their rightful place within Freemasonry i.e 1882 was the first step in founding a masonic organisation open to both men and women, (France) and Maria Deraismes was initiated into the craft, 1893 was the first opportunity (due to opposition) that she had to initiate 17 more Female candidates, The first mixed Lodge in the U,K was in 1902, then in 1908 was the founding of my order here in the UK, 'The Order of Women Freemasons' etc What I am almost certain of is that if Speculative Freemasonry had been founded today in the 21st century women most certainly would have been an equal part of that formation ... han_voting)
Timeline of women's rights (other than voting) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The timeline signifies the major events in the development of women's rights and issues of gender inequality other than the right to vote. For those rights see Timeline of women's suffrage.