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Looking to Europe

PostPosted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 9:24 pm
by admin
With all the fun and games over the Referendum I started to think maybe we could sell some items in Europe. It will probably depend on the outcome. But it is an interesting excercise in any case.

I have experimented with Google Translate. Have a look ...............

Store in French ... ency%3DEUR
Lodgeroom maçonnique magasin -
La traduction peut être changée en plusieurs langues et peut également être modifié à partir du Royaume-Uni Pound en euros contre Dollar US .
Les traductions de Google peuvent ne pas être précis à 100% , mais devrait être suffisant pour donner une expérience confortable pour afficher les différents articles en vente bon.

Store in Italian ... &sandbox=1
Massonica Conservare Lodgeroom -
La traduzione può essere cambiato in molte lingue e può anche essere modificata da UK Pound a Euro al dollaro USA .
Le traduzioni di Google potrebbe non essere accurato al 100 % , ma dovrebbe essere sufficiente per dare una piacevole esperienza per visualizzare i vari articoli in vendita buona .

Store in German ... &sandbox=1
Lodgeroom freimaurerischen Shop -
Die Übersetzung kann in viele Sprachen geändert werden und können auch aus UK Pound in Euro zu US-Dollar geändert werden.
Die Google- Übersetzungen können nicht 100% genau sein, aber sollte gut genug sein, um eine angenehme Erfahrung zu geben, um die verschiedenen Elemente zu verkaufen anzuzeigen.

Store in Spanish ... &sandbox=1
Lodgeroom masónico tienda -
La traducción se puede cambiar a muchos idiomas y también se puede cambiar desde el Reino Unido libra a euros al dólar estadounidense .
Las traducciones de Google pueden no ser fiable al 100% , pero debería ser suficiente para dar una experiencia cómoda para ver los diversos artículos a la venta buena .

The translation can be changed to many languages and can also be changed from UK Pound to Euros to US Dollar.
The Google translations may not be 100 % accurate but should be good enough to give a comfortable experience to view the various items for sale.

Re: Looking to Europe

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:27 am

And why not Dutch?

Re: Looking to Europe

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:39 pm
by ozmike
The local lodges here work Schroeder's Ritual and use different regalia to UGLE, I dont think there aren't many suppliers so another one would be an interesting option. There are many lodges in Europe too which work in English (mine included), the problem we have with buying regalia locally is that the suppliers here tend to buy from a UK provider and then resell at quite a mark-up. What we have a hard time getting a hold of is lodge furniture at a good price, e.g. Warden's Columns and Deacon's wands we can only buy from the UK as there is no local producer.

Re: Looking to Europe

PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:02 am
admin wrote:Store in Italian ... &sandbox=1

Meglio così:

Negozio Massonico Lodgeroom-
La traduzione può essere modificata in molte lingue e si può anche convertire la valuta da UK Pound all' Euro al dollaro USA .
Le traduzioni di Google potrebbe non essere accurata al 100 % , ma dovrebbe essere sufficiente per dare una piacevole esperienza per visualizzare i vari articoli in vendita .

Re: Looking to Europe

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 1:49 pm
by eckywan2
Theres a wee problem Bill in that we cant have anything to do with Grand Orient whether in Italy or France
( and France has over 10 Grand Lodges of which we can only have dealings with one (GLNF)
Not that its stops you selling stuff just be aware of restrictions nothing to do with Brexit even if DisMay gets it?
PS Scotlands main supplier Victoria Regalia in Edinburgh has just changed hands with a gentleman of English /Indian extraction
taking over so maybees some chance here

happy New Year Bro / B all

Re: Looking to Europe

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 10:57 am
by admin
The contact is on visiting not just talking to each other.

If anyone wants to check which GL is OK

Yes I had heard that Victoria had changed ownership. Good luck to the new owner.

I believe the vast majority of Tarten is manufactured in Pakistan.

Happy New Year to all.

Re: Looking to Europe

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:22 am
by eckywan2
Aye Bill thats why Im concerned about new owner not using local sources
Ive never knowingly bought any Non Scottish made tartan
but get loadsa emails from a guy in 'stan offering regalia
Im often perplexed at Orient visitors who come all the way to Scotland knowing they cant visit lodges
( They do know ) (and despite the French habit of visiting others anyway just not signing book
But of course theres no problem trading so guid luck bro !
Happy Hogmany
Awfae noisy here last night , not only the fireworks and crazy street procession but a Police chopper overhead ! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Re: Looking to Europe

PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 4:12 pm
by admin
The issue these days is no one can touch the quality or the price of the Pakistan made regalia.

I suspect the chinese will be in that market place soon. They make some now.

Most of Toyes stuff is Pakistan. I get the banners made there, can not match the quality in the UK.

I know that some of Victoris is PK as well.

At the end of the dy it all boils down to price.

I would always watch The White Heather Club with my parents on New Years eve. Great times.
Wee Cock Sparra

Best New year since I grew up was at Garons Banquet Suite Southend.
All gone now, at 12 midnight the countdown went 3,2, 1 and the Large doors at one end opened and the Southend Pipe band came in.
My Pals there with me being Scottish went berserk, in a nice way, they did not know it was coming. Great days, fond memories.

Re: Looking to Europe

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:55 am
by eckywan2

( i did an advert as fim extra for SPOT casino in Southend once
never saw it here only on TV there
then my son was touring in theatre with Jason Donovan
who recognised me and told son Aaron who called home at 0200 hrs !!