by Peter Dowling » Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:55 pm
I am being installed into the chair of K.S. on Thurs 6th March in United Service Lodge 1361 at GQS . Tyle 5pm if anyone is interested in a visit let us know. This is the 2nd time in 2 years I have been in a Craft chair and 3 times in 3 years in other chairs as I am WM in a Mark at present. We dine at Freemasons Arms after.
Craft 8945 Kent PM. PPGStdB
Craft 1361 London PM. LGR. Sec.
R.A. 8945
MMM 152 PM, 378 PM, 767 PM, 2031 Founder.
Kent Installed MMM 999 Tyler.
Kent MMM Stewards 1691 Tyler.
RAM 380 PC, 152 PC
RAM Installed Commanders 999 Tyler.
R.S.M. 180
AMD 99 P.M. 273, ProvGIG
OSM 188, 358 PProvGStdB
S.C. 36 TI. ProvGWarder